Good afternoon,
I appreciate that this may not be relevant to some of you as you already have Community Speedwatch set up in your parishes and towns but for those who haven’t and are interested in taking part in the scheme, then please read on for further details about it. I have also attached a digital poster in case you wanted to attach it to community newsletters, print off for notice boards etc.
This is a limited spaces event for a representative of the Parish Council and/or someone identified from the community as the future Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator for the relevant area, to come along and learn about the scheme, what is required and to meet some of our partners within the Humberside Police area. The event will be held at Melton 2 Police Station, Melton on the evening of the 17th of February, further details will be provided for those who wish to attend. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis with a view to setting up the schemes in the desired areas as expeditiously as possible.
What is Community Speedwatch?
Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where, in partnership with the police, members of communities use detection devices to monitor local vehicle speeds.
The volunteers report drivers exceeding the speed limit to the police with the aim of educating drivers to slow down.
If the data proves a driver is ignoring repeated warnings police can prosecute them. The aim is to:
- reduce death and injury on the roads.
- improve the quality of life for local communities.
- reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit.
- increase public awareness of inappropriate speed.
Community Speedwatch does not result in prosecution itself. However, if a persistent speeding driver is identified through the scheme, police can use this evidence to take action against them if required. If there is a persistent general speeding issue where highway improvements are required (e.g. speed bumps), the relevant agency will be contacted. Volunteers receive training, and neighbourhood policing team staff will support them.
To attend the event, you can either click on the link below or use the QR code and complete the registration:-
Kind regards
Dan Goodman
Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator,
Cromwell Road Police Station,
Cromwell Road,